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We’ve hit a Quarter Century!
Welcome to our latest newsletter. Happy New Year! Be sure to check out some awesome events to put in your calendar & great summer deals!
Season’s Tidings!
With the festive season now well and truly upon us, the team at HMB Marine Electrical would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a fun summer!
How to navigate your boat’s electrical system.
It takes time, which many of us don’t have. And let’s be honest, who likes reading through manuals full of complex technical jargon, or browsing through You Tube channels! There's a simpler path. And it comes with a whole host of benefits that will make your boating experience all the more enjoyable.
Kiss the summer blues goodbye.
If you're feeling a bit bummed about the lacklustre boating weather we had this summer (at least up here in the upper North Island), not to worry! The good news is that autumn is finally here, and it has brought some picture-perfect boating conditions. If you want to make the most of the next few months (including Easter), here are a few tips to get you back on the water.