Chasing the Cup: Your HMB Monthly Roundup.

There’s a definite hint of spring in the air, so we hope you're out enjoying our beautiful waters. We've got an action-packed newsletter for you this month! From the thrilling America's Cup races and Simon’s top tips for winches to some fabulous deals, we’ve got you covered. Plus, our very own Simon and Elise are off to Barcelona for the Cup, and they’ll be combining the trip with some fact-finding—checking out the latest boating, equipment, and marine electrical trends happening in Europe. So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's catch up on all things HMB. Cheers!

America’s Cup: The Racing is On!

The America’s Cup is in full swing (and we know there are plenty of keen yachties among you), so we wanted to give you all a quick reminder of how it all works and when…

America's Cup Schedule

The Louis Vuitton Cup, 29 Aug -7 Oct

The Louis Vuitton Cup determines the challenger for the 37th America's Cup against Emirates Team New Zealand. It consists of:

  1. Double Round Robin

  2. Semi-Finals (top 4 teams, first to 5 points)

  3. Final (first to 7 points)

37th America’s Cup, 12-27 Oct

Emirates Team New Zealand will face the winner of the Louis Vuitton Cup in a first-to-seven-points Match. The winner of each race scores one point. The first team to score seven points will become the Defender of the 38th America’s Cup!

We’re heading to Barcelona too.

Team New Zealand will have some extra support from HMB too! Our own Simon and Elise are heading to Barcelona to cheer on our Kiwi racers in person. Lucky things! By all accounts, Barcelona is an amazing city, and we have no doubt Simon and Elise will have an amazing trip away. We look forward to sharing some of their travel pics across our social channels. Stay tuned!


Stay Safe When Lightning Strikes


Many of you would have seen the spectacular America's Cup lightning bolt footage that went viral a week or so back. It was followed up by a TV interview with Jimmy Spithill (from Luna Rossa), who said he'd already been hit by lightning twice—well, not him personally, but the boat he was on. It got us thinking. Auckland's waters are generally very safe, but thunderstorms can pose a risk to boaties. Remember that even if you don’t get a direct hit you need to check your shore power system and that the galvanic protection is not compromised. We've put together some insights about lightning strikes and how to stay safe.

What are Lightning Strikes?

Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that occurs during thunderstorms. With voltages reaching up to one million volts per square metre, these strikes can cause severe damage to boats and pose a threat to human life.

How to Stay Safe on the Water

  • Monitor Weather Forecasts
    Before setting sail, always check the latest weather reports. If thunderstorms are predicted, consider postponing your trip.

  • Use Modern Technology
    Invest in a lightning detection system for your boat. These devices can alert you to approaching storms up to 40 kilometres away, giving you time to seek shelter. 

  • Seek Shelter Early
    If you spot dark clouds or hear distant thunder, head for shore immediately. Remember, lightning can strike up to 8 kilometres ahead of a storm.

  • Prepare Your Boat
    If caught in a storm, lower all antennae and fishing rods. Raise your Bimini top or spray dodger to create a larger horizontal surface area, which can help reduce the risk of a direct strike.

What Happens if Lightning Strikes?

  • Stay Below Deck
    If possible, get everyone into the cabin. It's the safest place on the boat during a lightning storm.

  • Avoid Metal Objects
    Stay away from metal railings, the mast, and other large metal fittings.

  • Minimise Contact
    If you must stay at the helm, keep one hand in your pocket. Avoid touching multiple metal surfaces simultaneously.

  • Check Your Systems
    After the storm passes, inspect your electronics and navigation systems for any damage.

Lightning Strike or Not... Check Your Systems!

After a storm passes, it's important to inspect your boat's electronics and navigation systems for any damage, even if you weren't directly hit. Nearby lightning strikes can cause electrical surges that may not be immediately obvious. Look for signs of malfunction, such as flickering screens or unresponsive controls – they could indicate hidden issues.

If your boat is moored at a marina – and a storm has passed over – check that the shore power system is still delivering safe electrical current. Lightning can also affect your boat's galvanic protection system, which prevents corrosion of submerged metal parts. It's not something most boaters would even think about, but by inspecting these systems after a storm, you can avoid costly damage and ensure everything is functioning correctly.
If in doubt, get in touch to book an inspection.


Catch all of the America's Cup action with a Starlink Wi-Fi System!

The America’s Cup Challenger Selection Series has started. Make sure you're fully connected while on board with robust Wi-Fi that allows you to access live streams and get real-time updates. If you're anchored in the Hauraki Gulf or cruising the coastline, we can set you up with a reliable Starlink Wi-Fi system that keeps you connected with everything going on in Barcelona.



Simon's Top Winch Tips

Watch our short video where Simon shares his top tips for maximising the efficiency and safety of your boat winch. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or just starting out, Simon’s insights will help you ensure your winch operates smoothly, making your time on the water more enjoyable. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best — watch now and set yourself up for success.

Explore our fantastic deals on winches today


The Ocean Rose: Designing a Dream